Boundaries, Sensuality and Sexuality

Boundaries. Sensuality and Sexuality

I knew it. I could feel it in my gut, something was off. It wasn’t a big thing, I wasn’t in any immediate danger and yet I could feel my skin tingling, my breath quickening and then the slow motion sound of a cough.

I looked up, he was waiting and the colours of the moment brightened. Now was my chance to stay awake to my senses, too slow the pace and illicit a change.

I had two options

A. Be honest, stand with my senses and assert my limit in that moment. 

B. Oh it’s nothing, I’m likely just over thinking the thing. Proceed.

Regardless of the topic; How often have you chosen A - ? How often have you chosen B - ?

And to what path did they lead ?

For the sake of my senses, I chose A. & honoured my nervous system, by reinforcing my boundaries.

Option A. represents those moments in time where the old wounds of self-worth go quiet. You’re connected with your intuitive body and have enough presence to stay centred. You communicate a want and request an agreement.

This is a 2 step process to communicating a boundary.

Boundaries help us to feel safe and when they are clearly established, we need not endure the self-doubt and power relinquishing of “Oh it’s nothing, I’m likely just over thinking the thing. Proceed” - Option B. -> The downwards spiral and constant questioning.

Option A. is a solo space of communicating with non-aggressive self responsibility. A place that requires you to be brave. It can give you the answer that you know in your heart you desire, but also the consequence of knowing.

Option B. can be the ingrained good girl tendency to override our sensory knowing and intuitive birthright.

Unconditional love and acceptance is infused into our wombs, our children need it to thrive. Yet we often illicit this level of tolerance into relationships to an extent that is not healthy, by actually ignoring our own limits and boundaries for the sake of avoiding confrontation.

I assert that the corner stone of good self-esteem is a journey of sensuality.

Reclaiming our connection to our senses not only helps with the life long practice of identifying and communicating our boundaries, it also paves the way to greater safety, freedom & generosity in the expression of our sexuality. Which effects many aspects of our life choices and relating.

These are the Yogini secrets we explore in the Women only safe spaces of Luna Circles.

Take me there

The conversation around Boundaries, Sensuality and Sexuality is vast and an incredibly important topic for women to explore. Our Luna Circles offer a safe, non-judgemental, relaxed space to retrain our safety-in-self neural pathways.

We combine the modern wisdom of scientific backed theory with the ancient practices of Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra.

We meet with mutual respect and honouring.

Luna Circles

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