Nurturing the Sacred Fire - Your Heart, Your Space, Your Practice
14 week cosy online course space to support your seasonal wellbeing. Live with Amber and kindred community.
14 week cosy online course space to support your seasonal wellbeing. Live with Amber and kindred community.
Liberate your Life force
Summer Joy is all about slowing the raging fire, cooling the mind and softening into states of enjoyment & ease.
Liberate your Life force
Liberate your Life force
Our friends from Essbar und Achtsam will be joining this Luna Circle to provide tasty treats crafted by wild edible herbs for sensory delight.
Claim your magic
A workshop for inversions
Boost your confidence, freshen lymphatic flow, lighten up & get stronger !
Liberate your Life force
Would you like to feel invigorated and awakened, all while enjoying the gifts of the Spring season ?
Liberate your Life force
Join us in the zoom-room space for a live mediation and Ritual Prana Flow practice.
Liberate your Life force
Liberate your Life force
Spend some time engaging with the elements of you, emerge inspired and renewed.
Drink deeply from the cup of life. Revivify your creativity and emerge renewed.
Fill up your cup.
Liberate your Life force
Liberate your Life force
Would you like to feel clear and balanced, all while enjoying the gifts of the Autumn season ?
Liberate your Life force
Our friends from Essbar und Achtsam will be joining this Luna Circle to provide tasty treats crafted by wild edible herbs for sensory delight.
Claim your magic
Join the Yum Fridays to access deeper states of rest and rejuvenation.
Liberate your Life force
Liberate your Life force
Join us in the zoom-room space for a live mediation and movement alchemy practice.
Liberate your Life force
Join the Yum Fridays to access deeper states of rest and rejuvenation.
Liberate your Life force